

The Nutrition Labels guarantee producers and consumers that a product's nutritional benefits have been verified in accordance with a strict certification procedure.

The Monde Selection Nutrition Claims Certification is based on objective, quantitative and documented scientific data to ensure the accuracy of nutrition claims and the impartiality of the evaluation.

These data are obtained from analyses carried out by third-party laboratories in the public and independent sectors. The certification also complies with food and nutrition standards, regulations and guidelines issued by the European Union, the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization, the Government of Japan, and the People’s Republic of China.

First, the eligibility of the product and the submitted nutrition claim(s) are verified. Both shall fall in the scope of Monde Selection’s Requirements for a Nutrition Claims Certification.

Secondly, the product labelling and nutritional content are checked. To this end, the following elements are included in the evaluation: the list of ingredients, the nutrition declaration, the formulation of nutrition claims, the conformity with general principles, and the scientific substantiation.

Regarding the nutrition declaration, all labelled nutritional values are compared with the laboratory analysis report. Indicated values of each nutrient featured in a nutrition claim shall strictly lie within the tolerances and comply with the conditions of use of the submitted claim(s).

Harmonised certification system
developed by Monde Selection.

  • Set by a Scientific Committee composed of independent experts
  • Lays down the eligibility and validity criteria to obtain the label
  • Defines the laboratory analyses methods
  • Covers a wide spectrum of foods and beverages
  • Based on national and international food labelling regulations and standards
  • Revised on a yearly basis.

Certification Body & Laboratories

To validate the claims, Monde Selection has appointed a team of independent scientists with extensive knowledge, expertise and experience in nutrition science, food technology, and regulatory affairs.

The independence of the evaluation is guaranteed through the setting up of a Scientific Committee, which is in charge of defining and revising the criteria on a yearly basis, so as to ensure the criteria’s conformity with the latest national and international regulations and standards on nutrition claims.

Monde Selection entrusts the scientific analysis to independent laboratories officially accredited ISO 9001 and ISO 17025, such as Brucefo, Ecca, etc.

Once again, this partnership guarantees a fully objective and fair evaluation, as the experts in charge of the validation remain totally independent from the obtained results.

